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Clonable ( "和/或 "我们")严格按照以下条款和条件为您提供平台,这些条款和条件不可转让,且 可在通知您后根据以下条款和条件的规定进行更改。通过以下方式接受并同意本平台协议(下称 "本协议")的条款:(a) 选择 "我同意 "这些条款,(b) 完成注册程序,(c) 以任何方式使用本平台,如下载或上传内容或使用 和/或第三方通过本平台提供的服务,即表示您成为 的客户,并接受以下条款,与 签订具有法律约束力的协议。在本协议中,所有提及您和/或您的和/或用户和/或客户之处均指与 签订本协议的一方。Clonable Clonable Clonable Clonable Clonable Clonable


Clonable provides certain services on or through our website, www.Cn.clonable.net (and other, possibly translated domain names, such as app.cn.clonable.net, etc., (the "Platform"). The Platform provides a multi-purpose translation service that allows you to convert your local site into a multi-lingual and/or multi-country website, (the "Clonable Service"). The Agreement applies to the Clonable service. All content and services made available through the Platform that were not made available as of the "Last revised on" date at the bottom will automatically be deemed to be part of the Clonable service when first made available through the Platform.


如果您不同意本协议的条款,则不得使用本平台。此外,如果(i)当地法律法规禁止您使用本平台;或(ii)您不具备与Clonable 签订具有约束力的合同的能力和资格,则您不得使用本平台。通过使用平台,您声明并保证您有权利、权力和能力签订本协议并遵守其所有条款和条件。


Clonable's information protection and collection practices are reflected in the Clonable privacy policy. You agree to Clonable using your information in accordance with the privacy policy.


您使用Clonable 服务和平台的一个条件是,您是与您正在使用的平台、Clonable 服务相关的网站的合法所有者。此外,您还必须拥有与之相关的所有知识产权(或网站所有者的法定代理人)。如果您希望使用Clonable 服务和平台,则必须在Clonable 上注册。要在Clonable 注册,您必须提供一个有效的电子邮件地址(该地址将作为您账户的唯一标识符)、您的姓名和密码。您须自行负责维护密码和账户的机密性,并同意不向任何第三方转让、出借或以其他方式转让您的电子邮件地址或密码,也不向任何第三方转让您对Clonable 服务和平台的使用权或访问权。您还须对您账户下发生的所有活动承担全部责任。您可以随时按照个人资料页面上的说明更改密码或其他账户信息。您同意在您的账户或Clonable 服务出现任何未经授权的使用或任何其他安全漏洞时立即通知我们,并确保在每次会话结束时 "注销"/关闭您的账户(如适用)。

当您使用Clonable 服务和平台时,您同意(i) 在平台要求时提供有关您的某些最新、完整和准确的信息,并且 (ii) 按要求维护和更新此类信息,以保持其最新、完整和准确。如果您在初始注册时提供的任何信息不准确,Clonable 有权立即终止您的帐户以及您使用Clonable 服务和平台的权利。对于因您未能遵守上述任何义务而造成的任何损失或损害,我们概不负责。


The various fee structures and fees payable for the Clonable service are set forth on the Platform (the "Fees") or are set forth in a separate contract for you, the Customer. The Clonable services will be performed by Clonable upon acceptance by Clonable of the online registration and full payment of the relevant Fees for the Clonable service as set forth on the Platform or in the special contract made with you as a customer.

Clonable may adjust the fees for the Clonable service once a year on January 1 using the Consumer Price Index of the CBS for the purpose of inflation adjustment. In case of inflation higher than 2% per month, Clonable may adjust the price monthly using the Consumer Price Index of the CBS.

In case of termination of the subscription, you must observe a notice period of one calendar month. Please note that there is also a minimum duration for the subscription, as specified on the platform.

In the event of non-payment of any fee due by way of, among other things, chargeback, fraud, declined credit card or for any other reason owed by you, Clonable has the right to immediately suspend or terminate your access to the platform and to the Clonable services and without prejudice to the right to recover from you all amounts due or any other right or remedy available to Clonable.

Clonable reserves the right to change its payment policies and fees charged for Clonable services from time to time, with such changes taking effect immediately. All Fees and other charges are payable in the currency specified on the Platform. If no currency is indicated, all fees are stated in EUR and are exclusive of all applicable taxes in the relevant jurisdiction (including but not limited to VAT, as applicable).

You agree to pay Clonable the fees for all Clonable services you purchase from Clonable. You further agree that you are responsible for payment of all applicable taxes due and payable in the relevant jurisdiction where the agreement occurs.

Payments for Clonable services are made through a secure third-party website. However, you acknowledge and agree that Internet transmissions cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure or private and that any information provided by you (including credit card information) could potentially be read and/or intercepted by a third party. Clonable is not liable for the interception and/or "hacking" of data or other unauthorized access to information provided by you for the purposes of the Clonable services.

使用和访问Clonable 服务的许可。

Clonable hereby grants you, and you hereby accept, a personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive license ("License") to use the Platform to use the Clonable service. All intellectual property (including, without limitation, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks, patents, etc.) evidenced or embodied in and/or connected/related to the Platform (including, without limitation, the software code, user manuals and all other documentation) are and shall remain the sole property of Clonable. Nothing in this Agreement and/or the granting of the License shall constitute a waiver of Clonables intellectual property under any law. The license does not include any resale or commercial use of the platform, the Clonable service or its contents; any derivative use of this platform, the Clonable service or its contents; or any use of data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools. The platform, the Clonable service, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for commercial purposes without the express written consent of Clonable. Further, you may not copy or imitate any part or all of the design, or look-and-feel of the platform. These are protected by Intellectual Property. Clonable may, from time to time, release new tools and resources on the Platform or introduce other services and/or features for the Platform. All new services and features will be subject to this Agreement, as well as any additional terms of use we may release for those specific services or features. What constitutes misuse of the Platform will be determined by Clonable, in its sole discretion. Clonable reserves the right to terminate your account if Clonable determines that you have not complied with the Agreement.


您承认平台可能包含受版权、专利、商标、商业秘密或其他专有权利保护的信息、软件、照片、视频、文本、图形、音乐、声音或其他材料(统称 "内容"),并且这些权利以现有或未来开发的所有形式、媒体和技术均有效并受到保护。全部内容作为集体作品受到荷兰版权法的保护,我们对这些内容的选择、协调、安排和改进拥有版权。严禁修改内容或将内容用于任何其他目的,包括在任何其他网站或网络计算机环境中使用此类内容。除非事先得到我们明确的书面授权,否则您同意不复制、转发、出售、修改、出租、出借、改编、翻译、创建衍生作品(全部或部分)、反编译、反向工程、反汇编或以其他方式减少平台或Clonable 服务(包括任何内容)的全部或部分。Clonable 名称和徽标是Clonable 的知识产权。平台上出现的所有其他商标均为其各自所有者的商标。我们的合作伙伴也可能对其通过Clonable 服务和平台提供的内容拥有其他所有权。我们拥有的商号、商标和服务标志,无论注册与否,均不得以任何可能导致混淆的方式用于任何非我们的产品或服务。未经我方事先明确书面同意,平台上的任何内容均不得解释为以暗示、禁止反言或其他方式授予使用我方任何商号、商标或服务标记的任何许可或权利。


Clonable Clonable 不保证您网站上的产品描述、文本和/或其他翻译信息准确、完整、可靠、最新和/或无误。尽管有上述质量保证免责声明, ,但没有义务利用您的网站用户行为来提高 服务的产品质量。您同意,无论是 ,还是其附属机构和服务提供商,均不对您网站上有关 服务和翻译信息的任何不准确、不完整、不可靠或错误的操作承担责任。Clonable Clonable Clonable Clonable


此处 "通过Clonable 服务和平台提交的材料 "的定义是您网站上的全部及任何数据、信息、文本、软件、声音文件、图像、照片、图形、视频、消息、文件、链接或任何其他材料("材料"),无论其是否带有脚本、密码隐藏或以其他方式加密。这些材料将受Clonable 服务的约束,其中包括将材料转交给第三方,以便我们提供Clonable 服务。您同意,如果您通过平台发布材料,您将自动授予Clonable 及其继承人和受让人非排他性的、全球性的、免版税的、永久的、不可撤销的许可,允许他们使用、下载和打印、展示、修改、发布和改编全部或部分材料,以执行Clonable 服务。您通过平台发送、张贴或分发的所有材料,包括但不限于您的电子邮件通信内容、信息、评论、用户评级、张贴的照片或图片或相关材料,均由您自行负责。通过向您的网站提交材料,您声明并保证您拥有此类材料和材料中包含的肖像的所有权利、所有权和利益。您承认并同意:(a) 在允许通过平台张贴或以其他方式存储与Clonable 服务相关的材料之前,我们保留评估材料的权利(但无义务);(b) 我们可自行决定采取以下任何或所有行动:(i) 监控材料的提交;(ii) 修改、删除或拒绝张贴或允许张贴或存储材料;和/或 (iii) 向以下各方披露材料或通过平台进行的任何通信,以及与其传输相关的情况:(a) 运营Clonable 服务和平台的第三方;(b) 遵守适用法律;(c) 响应政府要求;(d) 遵守有效的法律程序;(e) 保护Clonable 、平台访客或公众的权利、隐私、安全或财产;(f) 使我们能够寻求可用的补救措施或限制我们可能遭受的损害,和/或 (g) 执行本协议;和/或 (iv) 如果Clonable 自行决定认定:(a) 您试图欺诈Clonable ;(b) 您正在从事欺诈活动或其他被禁止的交易;(c) 您正在从事犯罪活动;或 (d) 材料具有仇恨性质,则与有关当局和金融机构分享材料。在任何情况下,我们或我们的员工、管理人员、董事、股东、代理、代表或附属机构均不对您因依赖材料而造成的任何损失或损害承担责任。此外,对于任何第三方使用(包括但不限于再版)或滥用通过Clonable 服务和平台的任何部分自愿披露的信息而造成的任何损害,我们无法控制,也不承担任何责任。在遵守本协议条款的前提下,您不得上传、存储、分发、传输、展示、执行、提供或以其他方式向公众传播您没有必要权利的任何资料。特别是,任何未经授权使用您材料中受版权保护材料的行为(包括通过复制、分发、修改、改编、公开展示、公开表演、制作衍生作品、提供或以其他方式通过平台向公众传播)都可能侵犯第三方的权利,应予以严格禁止。此类侵权行为可能导致终止本协议和您对平台的访问,还可能导致相关权利人或其代表对您提起民事或刑事诉讼。

Links to third-party sites

The Platform may contain links, or third-party content may contain links, to other websites or resources. Because we have no control over such sites and resources, you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and do not endorse and are not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, services or other materials (collectively, "Third Party Materials") available through or contained on such sites or resources. You understand that you may be exposed to third-party materials that are offensive, indecent or objectionable. You further acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused directly or indirectly by your use of or reliance on any such Third Party Materials available on or through any such site or resource.


Clonable agrees to use reasonable efforts to attempt to provide the Clonable services and access to the Platform 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, there will be occasions when access to the Platform will be interrupted for maintenance, upgrades and repairs, which you acknowledge is a necessary function performed by Clonable, or due to failures in telecommunications links and equipment beyond Clonable 's control, Clonable will not accept responsibility or liability for any loss of revenue that may result. Clonable may modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Platform, or any part thereof, with or without notice to you.

User warranty, obligation of indemnity and waiver

您声明并保证(a) 您拥有知识产权,或已获得所有必要的许可和授权,可根据您对平台的使用或本协议允许的其他方式使用材料;(b) 您拥有授予本协议规定的许可的必要权利;(c) 您已获得您的材料中描述的所有人的许可,可按照本协议的规定使用您的材料,包括分发、公开展示、公开表演和复制材料;且 (d) 您的材料未违反或侵犯任何个人、公司或实体或其他第三方的任何知识产权或其他专有权利,包括公开权或隐私权。对于因您的材料、您对平台的使用、您与平台的连接、您的材料对他人造成伤害的任何索赔、您与通过平台进行宣传或推广的他人之间的任何交易、您对协议条款的违反或您对任何权利(包括知识产权)的侵犯而引起或导致的任何索赔或要求(包括合理的律师费),您同意赔偿Clonable 及其股东、子公司、附属机构、管理人员、代理、雇员、联合品牌商或其他合作伙伴以及许可人,并使其免受损害。


您明确理解并同意,在适用法律允许的最大范围内:本平台和内容由Clonable "按原样 "提供,不作任何明示、暗示、法定或其他形式的保证,包括对所有权、非侵权性、适销性或特定用途适用性的暗示保证。在不限制以下规定的前提下,Clonable 及其许可方不保证:(a) 平台和内容将满足您的要求,或将持续可用、不间断、定时、安全或无错误;(b) 通过使用平台和内容获得的结果将有效、准确或可靠;(c) 平台和内容的质量将满足您的期望;或 (d) 平台或内容中的任何错误或缺陷将得到纠正。您从Clonable 或通过或使用平台和内容获得的任何口头或书面建议或信息,均不构成本条款和条件中未明确说明的任何保证。对于用户使用或参与任何平台以及由平台和内容引起的任何行为,Clonable 特别声明不承担任何责任。通过Clonable 服务下载的任何内容、提供的任何内容或通过使用平台以其他方式获得的任何内容,均由用户自行决定访问并自行承担风险,因下载而导致的任何计算机系统损坏或数据丢失均由用户自行负责。Clonable 对下载到平台用户计算机上的任何计算机病毒或类似代码不承担任何责任。Clonable 对通过链接网站访问的第三方提供的平台或材料不承担任何责任。Clonable 对此类第三方、其内容或平台不作任何陈述或保证,也不承担任何责任。用户须自行承担与此类第三方的任何交易风险。管理人员、主持人、参与者、版主和其他第三方并非Clonable 的授权发言人,他们的观点并不一定反映Clonable 的观点。在适用法律允许的范围内,Clonable 不对因知识产权、诽谤、隐私、公开、淫秽或其他法律而产生的材料承担任何责任。 Clonable Clonable 不对因他人在您知情或不知情的情况下使用您的密码、帐户或与平台有关的帐户信息而给您造成的任何损失承担责任。


In no event shall Clonable, its shareholders, its officers, directors, employees, partners, licensors or suppliers be liable to you or anyone else for any special, incidental, indirect, consequential or punitive damages whatsoever, including damages resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether or not foreseeable or if Clonable has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or based on any theory of liability whatsoever, including breach of contract or warranty, negligence or other tort, or any other claim arising out of or in connection with the use of or access to the Platform or the Content. Nothing in the Terms shall limit or exclude Clonables liability for the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Clonable or its employees, or for death or personal injury. Clonable's total liability and that of its shareholders, affiliates, licensors and suppliers under or in connection with this agreement will be limited to the monthly amount payable stated in the agreement between Clonable and you. This limitation will apply even if Clonable has been advised of the possibility of such damages and notwithstanding the failure of the essential purpose of any limited remedy.

Commitment to proprietary information

You acknowledge that Clonable has the exclusive right, title and interest in the Intellectual Property relating to the Platform and the Clonable Services. "Intellectual Property" means copyright, moral rights, trademark, patent, trade secret, unfair competition, and all other intellectual and proprietary rights, including, but not limited to, those rights arising from the Clonable Services and the Platform. You acknowledge that you have no right, title or interest in the Intellectual Property in the Platform, including any content arising from the multi-purpose translation service that enables you to convert your local site into a multi-language website, apart from the right to use such Intellectual Property on the Platform as expressly set forth in this Agreement. You will do all things necessary to protect the rights of Clonable as set forth in this paragraph 16 and upon request of Clonable you will take any action necessary to protect Clonable's ownership of such rights, including but not limited to executing all documents.

Termination and modification of the Clonable service.

您同意,我们可以自行决定以任何理由终止您的密码、账户(或其任何部分)或Clonable 服务和平台的使用,并删除和丢弃平台内的任何资料,包括但不限于我们认为您违反了本协议的文字或精神,或您的行为违反了本协议的文字或精神。在收到有关您违反任何法律的可靠信息后,我们也将终止您的账户,并在此类问题上与执法机关合作。我们还可自行决定在任何时候停止提供Clonable 服务或其任何部分,无论通知与否。您同意,根据本协议的任何规定终止您对平台的访问均无需通知,并承认和同意,我们可以立即停用或删除您的帐户以及您帐户中的所有相关信息和文件,和/或阻止对此类文件或Clonable 服务的任何进一步访问。您进一步同意,我们不因终止您访问平台而对您或任何第三方承担任何责任。我们保留在任何时候不时地、暂时地或永久地、全部地或部分地进行以下操作的权利:(a) 在通知或不通知的情况下,修改或终止Clonable 服务,包括但不限于 (i) 限制Clonable 服务的可用时间,(ii) 限制Clonable 服务的授权使用,以及 (iii) 限制或终止用户使用Clonable 服务的权利;(b) 就Clonable 服务的使用收取费用;(c) 变更和/或免除Clonable 服务的任何费用;和/或 (d) 向Clonable 服务的部分或全部用户提供机会。您同意,对于Clonable 服务的全部或部分修改、暂停或终止,或通过平台提供的任何服务、内容或功能的修改、暂停或终止,我们或我们的任何关联公司均不对您或任何第三方承担任何责任。如果我们注意到您的违规行为,我们可能会撤销您的注册权限和/或采取任何其他适当措施来执行这些准则。此外,我们可自行决定以任何理由终止您的帐户或终止您参与Clonable 服务和平台的任何功能。Clonable退款和取消政策是Clonable 服务条款的一部分,并已纳入 服务条款(单击此处查看退款和取消政策)。作为在Clonable 注册和使用Clonable 服务的条件,您明确承认已阅读并理解退款和取消政策,并同意受其条款和条件的约束。如果您在任何时候不同意退款和取消政策或其中的任何部分,您唯一的补救措施是停止使用Clonable 服务并终止您的帐户。但请注意,在此类终止日期之前发生的所有交易将完全受《退款与注销政策》条款的约束。

User behavior

您同意不通过Clonable 提供的界面以外的任何方式访问或试图访问平台,或规避Clonable 为防止平台的某些使用而设立的任何访问或使用限制。


  • Share material that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, unlawful, defamatory, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, child pornographic, lewd, profane, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
  • 跟踪、恐吓和/或骚扰他人;
  • 煽动他人实施暴力;
  • Harm minors in any way;
  • Share material to which you are not entitled by law or a contractual or fiduciary relationship;
  • Share material that infringes on any party's intellectual property or other proprietary rights;
  • Falsely impersonate a person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;
  • Using the platform or materials in such a way as to mislead a user into believing he/she is in direct contact with Clonable;
  • 共享含有软件病毒或其他旨在中断、破坏或限制计算机软件、硬件或电信设备功能的计算机代码、文件或程序的材料;
  • Access or use the Platform in any manner that could damage, disable, overload or impair any Clonable server or the networks connected to any Clonable server;
  • Intentionally or unintentionally disrupting or interrupting the Platform or violating any Laws regarding access to or use of the Platform, violating any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Platform, or engaging in any activity prohibited by the Agreement;
  • Disrupt the security of, or otherwise cause harm to, the Platform, materials, accounts, passwords, servers, or networks connected to or accessible through the Platform or any affiliated or linked sites;
  • Disrupt, interfere with or prevent other users from using or enjoying the platform or materials, or other connected or linked sites, platforms or content;
  • Access or attempt to access any Material to which you are not authorized or through any means not intentionally made available through the Platform;
  • To reproduce, sell, trade, resell or exploit for any commercial purpose, any part of the materials, the use of the platform or materials, or access to the platform or materials;
  • Hosting the Platform, on a subscription basis or otherwise, without permission from Clonable, including an associated application, to enable a third party to use the Platform to create, transmit or protect any Material;
  • Defraud, defame or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as the right to privacy and publicity) of others; or
  • Engage in other conduct that, in the sole discretion of Clonable, is considered inappropriate, impermissible or objectionable.

In addition, you agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and ordinances as a condition of using the Clonable service.

To enable us to protect the quality of our products and services, you hereby authorize our employees and representatives to access your account and data for any reason at our sole discretion. We also reserve the right, but do not assume responsibility, to monitor or review your behavior while using the Clonable service and platform. Your use of the Clonable service and platform is subject to all applicable local, state, national and international laws and regulations. You further acknowledge that you are responsible for obtaining or providing all access lines, telephone and computer equipment (including modem), or other devices, necessary to access the Platform, and paying all fees in connection therewith.

Powers issues

The platform is controlled and operated by Clonable from the Netherlands, and is not intended to subject Clonable to the laws or jurisdiction of any territory other than the State of the Netherlands. Clonable does not represent or warrant that the Clonable service and platform or any part thereof is appropriate or available for use in any particular jurisdiction. Those who choose to access the platform do so on their own initiative and at their own risk, and are responsible for compliance with all local laws, rules and regulations. We may limit the availability of the Platform, in whole or in part, to any person, geographic area or jurisdiction we choose, at any time and in our sole discretion.


Clonable may provide notice to you via email, a notice on the Platform, or other reasonable means. You must notify Clonable in writing via email or as otherwise expressly provided by Clonable. Clonable may broadcast, distribute or display notices or messages through the Clonable service to inform you of changes to the Agreement, the Clonable service and platform, privacy policies or other matters of interest. Such broadcasts, distributions or displays of information constitute notice to you.

Applicable law and other general terms and conditions

The Agreement does not create, and shall not be construed to create, a partnership, joint venture, employer-employee, agency or franchisor-franchisee relationship between you and Clonable. The Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Netherlands, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. The Agreement and any further agreements that may result from it shall be governed by the laws of the Netherlands. You agree that any action at law or in equity arising out of or relating to the Agreement shall be brought only in the courts located in the city of s'Hertogenbosch and you hereby consent and submit to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the adjudication of such action and waive any objections as to jurisdiction, venue or inconvenient forum before such courts. You agree that any claim or cause of action arising out of your use of the Clonable service and platform or the Agreement must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or it will be forever barred, notwithstanding any status of limitations or other law to the contrary. Within such period, failure by Clonable to enforce or exercise any provisions of the Agreement or related rights shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of the Agreement is unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from these terms and conditions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions. Clonable may assign the Agreement, in whole or in part, at any time with or without notice to you. You may not assign, transfer or sublicense the Agreement or any of your rights or obligations under the Agreement without the express prior written consent of Clonable. No waiver by a party of any breach or default hereunder shall be deemed a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach or default. Headings, captions or paragraph titles in this Agreement are included solely for the convenience of the reader and in no way define or explain any paragraph or provision of this Agreement. This is the entire agreement between you and Clonable with respect to the subject matter herein and may not be modified by you. The Agreement shall inure to the benefit of Clonable's successors, assigns and licensees. Without limitation, you agree that a printed version of the Agreement and any notice given in electronic form shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or relating to the Agreement to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form.



  • An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest;
  • A description of the copyrighted work you claim has been infringed upon
  • A description of where the material you claim is infringed is located on the platform;
  • Your address, phone number and e-mail address;
  • a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, your agent or the law; and
  • a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

Changes to the Agreement

Clonable 保留自行决定修改本协议的权利,任何修改一经公布立即生效。我们将通过在平台上发布协议修订稿的方式公布此类变更。您可以通过查看本页面底部的 "最近修订日期 "来确定本协议的最后修订日期。在此类变更后继续使用平台,即视为您同意此类变更。如果您不同意本协议的条款或任何修订,请停止使用本平台。

最后修订日期:2023 年 5 月 8 日